Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jungs View of Religion Essay

I will be explaining Jung understands and his views of religion. Jung first starts with the key concept of the mind which is the three concepts of consciousness – consciousness, personal unconsciousness and the collective consciousness. Consciousness is where we actively make decisions and choices. The thoughts are based on a sensory experience e. g. the things we see, smell, hear, touch and taste. These are directly accessible. The personal conscious is out thoughts, feelings, urges which are difficult to bring to the consciousness and they are not directly accessible. They have been environmentally determined. The collective unconsciousness is inherited and the thoughts are shared by everyone – archetypes (inherited ideas: first prints or partners that form the basic blue print for major dynamic counterparts of the human personality. ) Jung believes that the archetypes pre exist in the collective unconscious of humanity. They determine how we both perceive and behave. Archetypes are the source of the ideas or images that is inherited instead of the ideas themselves. The experiences you have construct/create uniform images. We inherit a functional disposition to produce the same or very similar ideas not inherit the idea. This is the reason for a dream dictionary, for example a person could be dreaming that their friend is falling. So the falling is the image drawn from the archetype and the friend is from their experience. So the collective unconscious means that many of our ideas will be shared with people. There are different types of shared archetype examples are: the person – this is the mask that covers out true natures for the benefit of society. The mask could be good impressions of what is expected of us by others or the false impression to manipulate others behaviour and opinions. In our dreams the may manifest itself in images of ourselves appearing at a party in disguise. The shadow – this is our darker sides of us. In dreams it might reveal itself in the form of personification of evil e. g. Satan or monster. It could be deeper of our personality identity beings to be lost and individuals experience the chaos of getting closer to the material structure of psychic life. This commonly is found in the woods. The animus – is the masculine side of a female. They may appear as an exotic, sensual, young man or as heroes. The anima – is the female side of a male. They may appear as a  dancing girl, seductresses or goddess. Jung believes that the way neuroses(mental illness is caused by being psychically imbalanced) occurs is that it arises from being psychically imbalanced (so we become mentally ill if the when the psychic energy – psychological energy by which the work of the personality is performed isn’t flowing as well as it could. To maintain mental health all of the features of the personality need to be balanced so the psychic flows properly. There needs to be a balance between conscious and unconscious and the different archetype. If you fail to do this according to Jung this causes a mental disorder. Jung says through individuation (figuring out who you are and becoming your own self) you become psychically balanced personality through the addition of the range of archetypes into the conscious personality. There are two main process of individuation; the first part is when they come to terms with the outer environment with its challenges through work, friendship and relationship. The second part is from a middle age onwards is to come to terms with one’s own personality. For example a mid-life crisis, this is when someone is in the middle of their life they want what they never had in their youth age e.g. a sports car. They want to become psychically balanced as they missed out when they was youths. The things that come from the archetype such as images or thoughts are considered to be religious. Jung redefines religious thought as the numinous. This relies on Rudolf Otto’s understanding of the religious or numinous experience. According to Otto’s a numinous experience affects our consciousness which is caused by something external to our consciousness. Any experience which is archetypal in origin can be stated as religious. All archetypal images are ineffable (indescribable) . Our images of god are themselves archetypal. The concept of god is one of these primordial images (an archetype). Everyone is born with the tendency to generate religious images of god and angels . the actual image that we have of god are through our experiences in the world. An example of a case study is where Miss Miller had a dream about a moth’s desire for light. Jung said this parallel between god and light can be found in countless religious traditions e. g. the Aztec preoccupation with the sun and the Christian view of Jesus as ‘light of the world’. The role of religion is the process of individuation. The two reasons he gave was the self archetype this guides and controlled the innate process of individuation. Individuation is a religious process. The second reason is the self archetype generates images of wholeness. For example the mandala – means circle and is perfectly balanced, the design is symmetrical which represents the balance and wholeness same with Islamic art instead the repetitive patterns to show his eternality. Jung argues that god images are beneficial to our health. The images are used by the mind to individuate the personality, the personality then achieve its goal of integration. Religion now becomes clear, the ones that reject religion are therefore less likely to individuate successfully and is most likely to experience neurosis as a result. Jung concludes that the existence of an actual god is similar to Freud’s – there is no proof either way. We don’t know where the archetype actually comes from and we don’t know the origin of the-psyche because there are ineffable. As a psychic reality – god is real to those who experience the effect of archetypes. Jung always considered religious beliefs to be a natural expression of the collective unconscious.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Phenomenology and the Eucharistic Mass Essay

In the study of communications, reaching a common consensus on how to apply a shared and common understanding of communications seems to be a near impossible task. After being introduced to the seven traditions of communications by Craig in his essay â€Å"Communication Theory as a Field†, I choose to explore the tradition he categorizes as Phenomenology. My initial understanding on the study of communications were quite limited to the transmission view, dominated by a sender and receiver framework. Interestingly, the transmission model in it’s origin was culturally rooted in religion, and used as a tool for the dissemination of Euro centric religious values and practices globally. With advancement in technology, especially in the 1920’s, the North American perspective on communication shifted the transmission model from religion to science to reflect a multidisciplinary approach in to the study of communications. As a practitioner of what was once the transmission view, the Catholic Church had experienced tremendous religious propagation of its message through forcible transmission all over the world. Based on Craig’s essay, the Catholic Church of today then embodies traits of a ritual view of communication, and is aligned with religious communication, and expression such as fellowship, participation, community, communion, and common faith. The phenomenological model of communication shares characteristics with the ritual view that I will be exploring through the Roman Catholic Eucharistic liturgy. The phenomenological tradition described by Craig, â€Å"†¦ conceptualizes communication as dialogue or the experience of otherness† (p. 217). Communication in this tradition is not rooted in verbal transmission but instead a shared experience on plains that extend beyond tradition verbal or textual communication. For the purpose of this paper phenomenological tradition can be seen as a form of communication expressed metaphysically as well. Gadamer’s’ theory from â€Å"Truth and Method†, focus on tradition and language as a primary form of communication. His ideology is that: we are only able to make sense of ourselves and the world around us because our consciousness has been shaped by history and traditions in ways we are largely unaware of†¦ wareness expands our understanding of the tradition. His description of an I-Thou relationship as the question-answer logic that underlies hermeneutic experience creates communication by identifying, hermeneutics, â€Å"that lead to a dialectical process of interpretation and growth of understanding. As a phenomenological practitioner, this theory has very intrinsic value. Communication in this practice provides a very meaningful and existential experience that I am to able to engage in with my Creator, in the absence of any other person. As a Roman Catholic, I have had many questions about the way we participate in mass. My parents grew up on the island of Trinidad, in a devout Catholic community. The Spanish, that had at one time colonized Trinidad, were very committed to their mission of converting the indigenous people of the island. The spread Catholicism throughout the country was profuse, with community churches everywhere, (even building one across the street from my mother’s house), and adding a monastery and seminary college a mile further up the mountainside where my father lived. Catholicism was not just a religion in our community, it was a part of the culture, and employed many of the villagers as they worked for the seminary. My grandparents were in fact Hindu, and converted to Catholicism because of the strong influence and presence it had within the community. As a Roman Catholic child, I had been told to repeat, chant, and act with humility, adoration and reverence during mass. I did not understand what we were doing or what the intention was. I became harder and harder to find meaning in going to church. In my late teens I stopped attending mass because there was no intrinsic connection for me in my faith practice. I remained a spiritual and deeply rooted faith based person, but I could not come to terms with many of the teachings of my church. I stayed out of church for many years. At some point, I became curious about what it meant. I was not looking for a theological understanding per se, but instead, what did â€Å"it† mean? The chanting, the collective response in unison, the prayers itself. What was I blindly repeating every Sunday? I chose to study the teachings of the Catholic Church in university at Newman Theological College to gain a scholarly perspective. Many things became clear, although I did acquiesce on some ideological points, (my own hermeneutical experience). Inspired by my academic insights, I returned to church as a knowledgeable participant of the mass, understanding that as part of the community, I would belong to the collective voice of the fellowship of Christ. The Catholic mass is deeply enriched with both Phenomenological Theory as well as Semiotic Tradition. In some regard you must look at the semiotics in order to fully understand what is being communicated during certain points in the eucharistic liturgy. For the purpose of this paper I will focus on the phenomenological aspects. The Eucharistic liturgy is a two century old tradition, considered the real presence of Christ at the last supper carried out each Sunday, and is considered an integral part of Catholic worship. As Catholics we believe Jesus began a significant new fellowship meal that we observe to this day. It causes us to collectively and intrinsically share in the experience of his sacrifice through his death and resurrection. The description of the liturgy I’m presenting here reflects a very basic summation of the ritual. At the start of the liturgy we are asked to offer ourselves up, and surrender to God. As we participate in the Eucharistic Prayer we are in the act of giving thanks. The congregation is humbled as Christ is transubstantiated from man into the elements of bread and wine. We collectively mourn as Jesus is offered to the Father in sacrifice for the sins of man. We participate in the Lords Prayer, and a prayer for peace. The Holy Spirit is invited to come down upon us and unite the community of worshipers into one body as we prepare to accept the communion, and offer each other a sign of peace. As a community we should be considered one body, ready to receive Christ as a single body in the form of the host. Prior to accepting the communion we collectively humble ourselves stating our unworthiness and asking for compassion and forgiveness for our transgressions. As members of the congregation travel to the the altar, it represents a pilgrimage in this life from a journey of birth to death, and to the heavenly Father. Once each individual receives the host, we communally belong to the larger body of Christ. An aspect of the phenomenological theory of communication as seen by Buber can be practically applied in this example. The I-Thou relationship is present when looking at the relationship each individual member of the ongregation has with their Creator, or even Catholicism itself. The act of worshiping communally creates an experience and awareness of each other that reflects dialogue in Gadamer’s model of phenomenology. Prayer itself is a great example of the I-Thou relationship the Buber describes. Although it contradicts Gadamers â€Å"parallel concept of conversation emphasiz[ing] the object or subject matter of conversation that brings people together in dialogue† (p. 219). Buber also notes that, â€Å"dialogue can be entirely wordless, yet deeply meaningful† (p. 19), and talks about how sacred silence itself can be on page 227, which is evident throughout the moments of the liturgy in which individuals respond on an emotional level through reverence, humility, sorrow, or repentance. Burber’s theory of a person living life with an open mind, open to experience and in essence living the life of dialogue is what resonates most for me. My critical exploration into understanding the Catholic mass has supported my dialogue in prayer with my creator, as well as my participation as a member of the Catholic church. It would be assumed that since developing a clearer understanding of the mass, that I would be regularly attending. That is not the case. What I grew to understand is that I cannot effectively belong to the congregation if I am not intrinsically communicating through action, intention and prayer when I attend. For that reason, I go to church when I have a deeper calling to do so. My I-Thou relationship within my faith is not compromised as I connect to my creator in conversation and prayer every day, however, my I-Thou relationship with the other church goers would be compromised and lacking authenticity if I attend mass out of obligation.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Look at the Changes Women Go through as Depicted in Willy Russell’s Movie, Educating Rita

A Look at the Changes Women Go through as Depicted in Willy Russell’s Movie, Educating Rita Belonging is the term used to the individual and to involve something new who gets the feeling of the security where the members may feel included, accepted, related, fit in, conformed and subscribed, which enhance their wellbeing with the feeling of getting education in the part of the beauty of all literatures. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that youre not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong to Substantial experiences which people lives to have the opportunities for growth and development of getting education to change the demarche in their life and starts to sit on the swivel chair as the upper class family as most of other peoples. Going ‘into the world’ means moving from familiar experiences to new horizons or vanishing points. When going from familiar experiences to new ones, obstructions are usually overcome before being totally successful. Individuals might be given advice and/or guided through the transformation to reaching be ne w horizons and a Great rewards of opportunities also come about while going through the process of growth and development as the script of Educating Rita written by Willy Russell on 1970, about the transformation of a woman going into the world. The great proof for the persuasion of the statement, as well as a visual text of a movie called, Rabbit proof fence in Australia, These two texts are the express aspect of belonging to new place, family, Culture regulation and commandment. Although Rita knows that intellectual enlightenment is important to her education which provides much more to her, Rita’s education is not restricted to scholastic learning alone and her transformation from the uneducated low person to the educated Susan and all encompassing. She sees and understands the importance of being well educated, but for her to get education helps she to overcome her background and break away from the traditional role expected of a woman in the 1970s. Rita has set herself on a course of self-discovery, she has a determination to control her own life and make her own choices and believes it’s the education that will give her these choices and the value of education that goes far beyond simple intellectual enlightenment. Education entirely changes Rita which, though she is prepared for a change, affects her life enormously. Rita’s background has held her back and put her at a disadvantage. There was a great deal of research done in the 1970s to show that middle class children were far more likely to do well at school and to go on to university than working-class children like Rita. Rita’s schooling disadvantage is shown in her recollection of school life: â€Å"As a proven sentence in the book† â€Å"†¦borin’, ripped-up books, broken glass everywhere, knives an’ fights. An’ that was just in the staffroom. Nah, they tried their best I suppose, always tellin’ us we stood more of a chance if we studied. But studyin’ was just for the whimps, wasn’t it? See, if I’d started takin’ school seriously I would have had to become different from me mates, an’ that’s not allowed.† Rita always uses an Informal Slang language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions. Rita felt the need to conform to the way everyone around her lived their lives until she realized that there was a way out. The class antagonism that pressures Rita can be seen through language misunderstandings between Frank and Rita: Frank: You are? Rita: What am I? Frank: Pardon? Rita: What? Frank: Now you are? Rita: I’m a what? Education is the only way Rita can fulfil her desire to overcome the working class background she has been born into so she feels that through education she can break away from the traditional expectations placed on a working class woman in the 70s. Pressures and influences on Rita and mostly from her family, in particular her husband. â€Å"I told him I’d only have a baby when I had choice. But he doesn’t understand.† Another influence on Rita to become educated and resist conforming to the stereotypical working class woman is Rita’s mother: â€Å"†¦when I looked round me mother had stopped singin’, an’ she was cryin’†¦I said , ‘Why are y’ cryin’, Mother?’ She said, ‘Because- because we could sing better songs than those.’†¦And that’s why I came back. And that’s why I’m staying.† (P46) Rita came to believe that she wasn’t just doing this for herself, she was doing it for all the women like her mother who never had the chance to make something of themselves, who were forced to fill the traditional ‘house-wife role’. Education is Rita’s ‘journey of self-discovery’ to fill the void in her life. This path of self-discovery is central to the play, through education Rita searches for the answers to life: â€Å"I’ve begun to find me-an’ it’s great y’ know†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (P33) Rita has a strong determination to control her own life by making her own choices and this is what she believes education will provide her with. Rita feels the need for confidence and the ability to gain independence to make her own choices so By the end of the play Rita knows that education has given her the freedom of choice: â€Å"†¦I had a choice. I chose me. Because of what you’d given me I had a choice.† (P72) As the result, there were many different difficulties which she had to handle throughout the choice of choosing herself, and the main of was discovering the strong symbolic message when she find her difficulties of opening the door into Professor â€Å"Frank† Office and the image of struggling in the road of knowledge. The power of choice is very important to Rita, as it is the basis to all her motives for becoming educated. Rita feels that education is valuable as it extends her range of choices and would lead to her ability to make informed decisions. Rita sought to change herself entirely and she felt she could use education to do this: â€Å"†¦these womens, you see, they come to the hairdresser’s cos they wanna be changed. But if you want to change y’ have to do it from the inside, don’t y? Know like I’m doin’.† (P11) Rita’s transformation can be seen in the original story of Pygmalion. For example the statue in Pygmalion transforms from ivory to flesh and in a metaphorical sense Rita transforms from flesh to ivory. ‘Flesh’ referring to her uniqueness and down to earth nature and ‘ivory’ referring to her character being sculptured to society’s mold. Although Rita feels that the change within her, brought by education is for the best, Frank feels responsible for Rita’s loss of individuality. Frank sees Rita’s change as the creation of a monster: â€Å"You know, Rita, I think- I think that like you I shall change my name; from now on I shall insist upon being known as Mary, Mary Shelley- do you understand that allusion, Rita?† (P68) Through education Rita acquired an entire change. To Rita, education is more than intellectual enlightenment. Rita sought to change herself, to provide herself with options and she used education to do this. Rita felt that she understood the true value of a formal education and what it can gain for its recipient. Though Frank was disappointed with the results, Rita obtained what she desired. Education filled a void in Rita’s life, which set her on her way to discover herself. Rita seeked to improve herself from the working class, and the question we are asked at the end of the play is both whether Rita succeeded, and whether it is even possible.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Abortion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Abortion - Coursework Example Because the political parties are not fairly represented, the results from the poll will lean on pro-abortion (Knull, 2002). The questions asked in the polls may also contain misleading information and, therefore, result in biased polls. The questions are often vague and receive different interpretations from the respondents, which result in indecisive responses. In the context of abortion, words such as a few or some mean different things to respondents. In this case, most respondents will respond to some of a few cases of abortion being illegal or legal as opposed to those who respond to abortion being illegal or legal in all cases (Susan, 2007). Additionally, lack of information makes the polls flawed. An assumption, for example, that the respondents in a poll are aware of the mandate established in Roe v. Wade and the consequences of overturning this decision may significantly affect responses. Misunderstandings of the issues surrounding the debate on abortion and the individual’s personal perception of the issues may taint responses used in these polls. Therefore, these polls do not represent the true position of respondents on the debate on abortion (Adamek,

Health care marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health care marketing - Essay Example As the pioneers who â€Å"bridged the gap between the initial R&D and the market-ready innovation by defining a baby-care niche† (Blatchford, 2010), Johnson & Johnson successfully used the branding strategy to turn the undifferentiated product ‘Mineral Oil’ ( used primarily for health and medical uses) into one of their most successful consumer products. The Johnson’s Baby product range was later extended to include more related products like the ‘No more tears shampoo’. The brand has become well-known for its comfort, care and safety message which has been communicated very effectively through the above-the-line advertising and their signature pink packaging. The marketing strategies of the Brand have been so successful because of the effective use of basic principles of marketing especially with regards to identifying the target market and developing suitable communications. Target Market   The target market can be formally defined as "A se t of buyers sharing common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve" (Kotler et al, 2010). Defining the target market is the foundation step towards developing the value in a product or service, that will be communicated according to the consumers needs. The development of distribution, advertising, and production plans all depend on the target market as selected by an organization. ... The communication and value proposition offered is same for all segments. Differentiated: targeting several segments and offering them varied value propositions for a given product, in accordance with their specific needs Niche: Focusing on just one segment, provides them with specialized products with unique value proposition. (Kotler et al, 2010). An organization with a highly innovative product may want to go with niche marketing as they can concentrate their resources on developing a highly involved market for their product. This strategy may also be preferred for companies that are starting out small and do not have the financial and human resources required for a larger marketing plan targeting several different groups of consumers. Organizations have to be clear about their own strengths (and weaknesses), their long and short term goals and the external environment before deciding to utilize a particular targeting strategy. Consumer insight research is an important component o f this process, as it highlights what exactly are the consumer needs and their perceived reception to any new product and Johnson & Johnson. The market segments to be selected for targeting purposes are divided into groups with similar demographic and psychographic traits. The marketers group the consumers through evaluation of questions such as; will they feel the need for a certain product? If so what value will the ascribe to it? Can they afford it? Are they doers or achievers? Is brand status important to them? How important is family to them? And so on and so forth. Questions such as these are designed to provide consumer insight and feelings, which can help a company to design and communicate better solutions for them.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Recycling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Recycling - Essay Example For example, there are several similarities and differences of recycling between China and Australia when viewed in the lines of legislations guiding recycling, recycling of e-wastes, and water recycling. reports that the Chinese government passed legislations that intended to scrap progressive pricing of water since the consumption level of each household was unknown. Chinese law also proposed to boost sustainable development through energy saving and reducing discharge of waste products ( Similar legislations apply to the Australian laws that help the country to manage environmental pollution. According to Recycling International, the government of China formulated a law to govern the recycling of e-wastes. Australia does not only have laws governing the recycling of e-wastes but also regulates the amount of e-waste exports to China. The law commands for license and taxes to the individual manufactures of the electrical appliances. This move was to address the problem of increased destruction of electrical appliances by specific companies and individuals. The Chinese government established laws that regulate the pricing of water to consumers to avoid undu e exploitation of consumers. In addition, China formulated laws that enable the government to regulate the use of energy and pollutant emissions. China legislations on recycling encourage innovation in recycling technology through fund allocations to such projects. In addition, Chinese legislation on recycling provides tax relief to enterprises that use energy conserving technologies in their recycling processes. The Australian government passed a legislation that worked to regulate the exportation and importation of hazardous wastes as well as to ensure safe disposal for the protection of human life. The Australian law also advocated for issuance of certificates to individuals who intend to import or export hazardous wastes. The

Friday, July 26, 2019

Employee Motivational Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employee Motivational Strategies - Essay Example Add that to the fact that sometimes, employees think that the compensation that they receive on a monthly basis (or maybe even more frequently, depending on the agreement between the employee and the employer) is just enough or maybe even not enough for their daily needs. Most companies have perceived this problem, realizing that manpower or more specifically the employees themselves are their most important resource. Employers also have realized that like any other resource, manpower should be continually replenished or renewed in terms of loyalty, trust and overall satisfaction from the work they are currently employed in. The concept of employee motivation comes into mind, wherein the company adapts certain policies that will motivate their employees so that they will remain not only financially satisfied but also emotionally, physically and mentally contented. The introduction of fun in the workplace is a welcome idea, and many companies are jumping on this idea for the improveme nt of their employees. Employee motivation techniques are now most often done in many forms in modern workplaces and usually revolve around the concept of rewarding satisfactory effort with the appropriate reward or set of rewards that are given either immediately or at a designated time depending on certain situations. Employee motivation is a new keyword today that states that employees have the need to be motivated and satisfied in order to maintain their level of work and positive attitudes towards the company. This topic is very significant and very much applicable in today's high-stress work environment, as it sees that employees as a very important resource that needs to be nurtured and developed. The relationship between the employer and their employees are also discussed as well as their parts in the creation of solutions pertaining to employee motivation and satisfaction. There are several theories and methods of employee motivation discussed herein, as well as recommendations on how to implement employee motivation methods and improvement of the said system if it is already implemented in the workplace. Employer and employee relationships A very fine line exists between the employer(s) and the employee. One thing for certain is that the employer is the employee's superior and the employee must comply with the work that his or her employer demands. With this, it can be thought of that the employee is bound to the service of his or her employer within the contract that they have agreed between themselves. This is not unlike the relationship between master and slave of yesteryears, in which the slave is not just bound to its master's service but also treated as that person's property. Times have changed and so do employee rights. Treating employees like slaves would not do an employer any good, and this has been shown with the creation of employee rights and privileges laid down upon each country's constitution. One of the basic tenets of this is the provision of salaries to the employee by their employer according to the existing minimum wage rates. Other benefits such as health benefits, bonuses and other financial an d non-financial perks may or may not be given again depending on the agreement set upon between the emplo

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Case Study Essay

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Case Study - Essay Example Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company's interaction with current and potential future customers. It tries to analyze data about customers' history with a company and to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth. This essay approves that overly can link a branch’s revenues with the level of successful CRM achieved by the use of Oracle CRM technology, which can, in turn, be assessed from the customer satisfaction assessment surveys. In this strategy, the branch that has the most satisfied customers gains a larger share in the profit as compared to others. This would motivate the leaders to take the necessary steps to incorporate the Oracle CRM technology in the organizational work setup. No change is effective without a carefully designed change management plan in place. This paper makes a conclusion that the branch managers should conduct meetings with their staff to make them aware of the need and significance of incorporating the Oracle CRM technology in the work setup so that the subordinates understand them and do the needful to make the plan useful and effective. In addition to that, Overly needs to provide the staff at all branches with the training and education required to operate the portal. Providing the staff with an opportunity of maximizing their earnings and gaining training and education for free are some of the most effective ways of quick development of an enterprise-wide CRM mechanism.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Diabetes Prevention in Undiagnosed Adult Population of Vulnerable Essay

Diabetes Prevention in Undiagnosed Adult Population of Vulnerable Groups - Essay Example The initiative 'Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health' developed by the US Department of Health and Human Services, in conformity with Healthy People 2010 goals focuses on areas of health disparity that are known to affect racially and ethnically diverse groups of the population. As the epidemiology of Type-II diabetes is manifested in socially and culturally diverse groups, this initiative tries to understand the scope and nature of the disease that contribute to such disparities. Literature reviews reveal that racial and ethnic minorities in the United States bear a disproportionate burden of diabetes epidemic, because they have higher prevalence rate, worse control, and higher rates of complications associated with diabetes due health disparity. In this context, it is essential to analyze health disparity prevalent among socio-ethnic minorities and vulnerable groups in the United States as well as success of the initiative Healthy People 2010 initiated in the year 20 00. The NIH Work Group on Health Disparities defines Health Disparities as "Differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of disease and other adverse health conditions that exist among specific population groups in the US." (Health Disparities). Recent research evidence suggests that in addition to racial, ethnic, class and gender bias, "direct and indirect discrimination are also important factors" for health care disparities. (Byrd & Clayton, 2003). The factors influencing direct and indirect discrimination are racism, biased clinical decision making, and access barriers caused by shortage of racial and ethnic minority providers. The healthcare needs, way of presenting symptoms and histories, expectations, responding to medical recommendations, and preferences of patients, which are socio-culturally perceived, presented before health care providers differ from individual to individual. Research literature in psychology, sociology, and physiology suggests that patient's experience and reporting of pain and other symptoms vary sharply. Similarly, the expectations and beliefs of health care providers are framed both by their professional training and experience as well as their exposure and social experiences and a patient's medical history, prognosis, and diagnostic test results may challenge physician's judgment. Studies on healthcare disparity reveals that household income has a direct influence on a family's ability to afford food and other necessities including health insurance, and low-income individuals experience worse health outcomes, suggesting that income disparities leads to health disparities. "Low-income individuals have poor nutrition and health practices and many African-American communities are poorer than the population as whole." (Danelly et al, p. 112). Employment status also has direct influence on household income and insurance status as employment ensures insurance coverage, and thereby assured health care option. Above all, educational attainment has significant role in health status, because a well

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Establishing A Technical College In Ivory Coast Dissertation

Establishing A Technical College In Ivory Coast - Dissertation Example The secondary school education consisted of two learning cycles totaling to seven years of learning. After the first cycle (the first four years of learning), the students were to sit for an exam and be issued with a certificate in lower secondary education- BEPC. With this qualification, a student would take on an entry-level job, join a teacher-training institution, or proceed to a college for three years. There were other alternative (complementary) courses for the students who did not make it to the colleges that combined both academic and practical training to equip the students with adequate skills that are essential in improving their productivity in the competitive labor market. The students received a certification that corresponds to one or two years of study at the university level in the US. This certification provided a qualification to pursue technical institutions and improve their professional and analytical skills. Education promotes political, social, and economic d evelopment in a given country. A good education can only be realized if an effective educational system is put in place. Nevertheless, the development of this effective educational system is in turn affected by the political, economic, and social factors prevailing in Cote d’Ivoire (King, and Martin, 2010). This paper seeks to establish a vocational learning institution in the republic of Ivory Coast. This following the fact that higher education in this West African state has highly been affected by political instability and socio-economic variables in the economy. The country’s youth population in need for higher education is very proportionate. Youths and the upcoming generation form the backbone to the economy of Ivory Coast. However, their ability and capacity to deliver is barred by inadequate access to learning institutions and facilities. Increasing access to these social amenities in the economy will therefore be essential in developing their technical and pro fessional potentials, Motivation Ivory Coast was a French colony and attained her independence in 1960. After the independence, the country was under a system of one-party rule for three decades with President Felix Houphouet-Boigny. On 28 October 1990, the country had the first presidential election in which the incumbent won with over 80% of the votes. Coupled with the social crisis that rocked the country, the presidential elections led to political unrest since the electoral process was marred by allegations of rigging. Even though it was believed that democracy had been restored in country, the opposition parties and their leaders have not been treated fairly (Middleton, Ziderman, & Van, 2011). Therefore, there has been constant political unrest within the country. Last year, another presidential election was held in which his opponents according to the elections commission defeated the defending president. The president dismissed the results and refused to concede defeat leadi ng to another political unrest. This situation lasted until the president was forcefully hoisted from power. Since then, the country is in the process of reconstructing its broken system and fixing the social and economic crises. As at 2005, Cote d’Ivoire had a large number of youthful populations with more than 42% of the entire population being below 15 years. A report by the IMF in 2006 approximated the population of Ivory Coast to be 18.9 million. This decline in population growth rate was attributed to the fall in fertility rate, poor health, and lower immigration rate. Out of this population, approximately 48.8% of Ivorian lives below the poverty line with less than USD2 to survive on per day. Social amenities such as health, education, and housing have deteriorated

Analysis Of Cultural Landscape Essay Example for Free

Analysis Of Cultural Landscape Essay Cultural landscapes fall into three main categories. The most easily identifiable is the clearly defined landscape designed and created intentionally by man. The second category is the organically evolved landscape. The final category is the associative cultural landscape. Here the analysis is on Metropolis at Metrotown, which comes under the former category. Metropolis at Metrotown is a giant mall located in Burnaby, the third largest city in British Columbia by population, geographically sits in-between Vancouver and Port Coquitlam. The city is located just outside of downtown Vancouver and has evolved from a bedroom community to an urban centre and has lots to offer, from unique shopping areas, theatre productions, sports events and many more. The city has a mix of different religions and cultures. The ethnic identity is clearly visible in the city, northern parts of Hastings Street being well catered to Italian population, and south, Metrotown area with the mix of origins from China, South Korea and Yugoslavia. The time when SkyTrain, an automated train with advanced rapid transit technology, was constructed in the middle of 1980s, the dramatic development has started across the lengths and breadths of Burnaby, especially along Kingsway. This lead to the establishment of Metrotown Center in 1986, and consequently the residential areas around the commercial complex stood up in no time. Formerly the Shopping Mall was called as Metrotown Eaton Centre. But when Eaton was shutdown removing its stake, the Metropolis combined with Metrotown to form a single entity. Today this mega mall is the second largest in Canada. Today the expansion of the mega mall plays a major factor in the generation of economy and revenue from foreign exchange. The mall boasts the standard of living of the population in the city by giving employment. Job opportunities in the retail sector are expected to increase with about 97,000 new positions becoming available by 2011. Opportunities for retail sales associates, supervisors, and managers are expected to grow over the next eight years. The policy of recruitment is compliant with Human Rights Code, and prohibits discrimination in employment due to race, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, age, sex, marital status, disability, language or record of offences. This mall plays a major role as one of the attractions of tourism. The mall offers attractive tourism programs like out-of-Town visitors, Group Travel Program, Meeting Planners and Sports Organizers, Hotel Shopping Packages. With the evolution of cross culture from different walks of the people, the globalization gave the speed to the spread of multi-national products in the city that never seen before. And these lead many more markets to see the light of the sun. This giant hall has around 220 shops, three department stores, multiplex theatres, restaurants, business offices, library, dental clinic, banks, cafes, spas and many more. The raise of public transportation in the form of Buses and SkyTrain emerged for the giant mall’s accessibility. And these add to the income generation from the parking and gas consumption. With the success of retail market, Government is benefiting in the form of Tax on the services and products. This giant mall is now touching the people from various walks of life. From the sales representatives to the market analysts , software engineers to librarians , cosmeticians to dentists, fashion designers to art suppliers, customer care executives , and the list goes on. If some people come to spend time in leisure, others come for partying. Round the clock this mall entertains the public with attractive events. Some of the annual events which include Clearance sales, Job fairs make the place the hot spot in the city. And the calendar always offers some new events to celebrate for the public like Fashion Shows, Music Awards, Contests and the list goes on. The mall is equipped with all necessary services to provide the public with the best shopping experience. The range of services include strollers, baby care in the food court, a nursing room, family washroom equipped with a baby change station and a Jellybean Park Play care. For giving the accessibility to all age groups, the mall provides wheelchairs on loan with free of cost. And sophisticated facilities are provided to the public to make their shopping enjoyable. Automated doors are located at most of the major entrances which includes Kingsway entrance, Real Canadian Superstore, Central Boulevard to name a few. It is also equipped with Passenger elevators. And modern, comfortable, and clean washrooms are available and they are also wheelchair accessible. Metrotown Food court caters tasteful food to public from various cultures and geographies. It is a very grand food court than the food courts of other malls in Burnaby. One can find Thai food, or a Korean cuisine ,or a restaurant making Caesar salad from Opa , along with the well known Burger King or AW. The giant mall provides community rooms for the charities and non-profit organizations to make use of the infrastructure for the welfare of the community. Not only that, each year Metropolis at Metrotown donates nearly $1 million to charities and non-profit organizations, without discrimination on the basis of race, sex, or creed, to enhance the lives of the people in the community. Today the giant mall is one of the integral parts of the society and plays a significant role in the citys economy and touches the lives of the people around the world, round the clock. References Anonymous (n. d) BCIT Retail Marketing Management Program . Retrieved March 26, 2008, from http://metropolis. shopping. ca/cambridge/jsp3/wh_ga. jsp? mallid=met Anonymous (June, 2007) Metrotown Food Court . Retrieved March 26, 2008, from http://vancouvereatsout. com/metrotown-food-court/ Anonymous (n. d) Tourism Programs . Retrieved March 26, 2008, from http://metropolis. shopping. ca/cambridge/jsp3/fp_01. jsp? mallid=metsectid=wh Anonymous (n. d) Cultural Landscapes Categories and Subcategories . Retrieved March 26, 2008, from http://whc. unesco. org/en/culturallandscape/

Monday, July 22, 2019

Case Note on Fletcher Essay Example for Free

Case Note on Fletcher Essay The facts of this case were that the taxpayer (and three others in partnership) entered a complex scheme, which involved the partnership, and annuity and loan arrangements. The scheme was financed through a series of round robin cheques and promised substantial deductions in the first five years of the 15-year plan. A number of documents were exchanged but no cash payments were made. This was calculated to return neutral cash flows with high tax deductions initially and high assessable income, especially in the last five years. A feature of the scheme was that there was an opportunity to terminate it in the last five years. In the relevant year the partnership derived assessable income of $170,000 and claimed deductions of $360,000. The issue before the court was whether the taxpayers were entitled to a deduction for interest. A lot of matters were argued before the case reached the High Court but before the Full Court the Commissioners contention was that the interest deduction should apportioned and disallowed under s 51(1) to the extent that it exceeded the partnership income. Their Honours indicated that if a taxpayers costs in deriving income were less than the actual income, the deductions would be allowable. However, if the costs exceed the income derived, the taxpayers purpose for making the expenditure may be relevant in characterizing and apportioning the expenditure for the purpose of the general deduction provision. This may include the taxpayers purpose for incurring the expenditure. Manson CJ, Brennan, Deane, Dawson, Toohey, Gaudron and McHugh JJ said (at ATR 622-3): The position may, however, well be different in the case where no relevant assessable income can be identified or where the relevant assessable income is less than the amount of the outgoingthe disproportion between outgoing and income, the whole outgoing is properly to be characterized as genuinely and not colourably incurred in gaining or producing assessable income, the entire outgoing will fall within the first limb of s 51(1) unless it is somehow excluded by the exception of. Their Honours concluded that the issue of whether the taxpayers interest deduction would be allowable depended on the determination of whether the 15-year annuity plan would in fact runs its full course. The matter was  remitted to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to determine, as a matter of fact, whether the scheme would run its full 15 years or whether it would be terminated before the last five years. In the former situation, the assessable income would exceed deductions and the interest would be an allowable deduction unde r s 51(1). In the latter situation, an explanation must be sought for the excess of deductions of some $2.7m over assessable income and to the extent that the explanation lay in substantial tax advantages, the outlays were not incurred in gaining assessable income. On the issue of whose purpose must be considered, the court made the following comments: In the circumstances of the present case, its determination involves consideration not only of the purposes of the taxpayers but also of the purposes of those who advised them and acted on their behalf and whose acts (and intentions) as agents must, as the Second Tribunal expressly pointed out, be imputed to the principals. Reduced to its essential elements, if income exceeds outgoings, the taxpayers motives are largely irrelevant. If there is no assessable income or outgoings exceed income, a practical and common sense weighing up of all factors is warranted, including the taxpayers motive. As was anticipated in Phillips case, a disparity between outlay and income may trigger a more rigorous examination of a contract or arrangement. As was suggested in Ures case, the absence of a commercial quid pro quo will raise questions about the purpose of the expenditure. Where there is a dual purpose, or a purpose other than income production, expenditure is to be apportioned and there will be circumstances where purpose may mean subjective purpose or motive.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A new car, a new choice

A new car, a new choice A New Car, a New Choice For most teenagers, only one thing is on their mind when they turn 16: being able to drive. I remember ever since I received my learners permit, I couldnt wait to drive on my own. I looked forward to driving as fast as I wanted and blasting music with the windows rolled down; I of course couldnt do this with one of my parents in the passengers seat. When I turned 16, I not only obtained my drivers license, but I was also lucky enough to receive a new car. Now I know what youre thinking, and I assure you that I am not just a spoiled rich kid who gets everything handed to him from his parents. My family only owned two cars at the time and being the oldest of four children, I would only be one of the many future drivers; owning only two cars just wasnt enough. One of the fun parts about acquiring the new car was that I had some input in the selection process. My parents narrowed the choices down to a Toyota 4Runner and a Jeep Grand Cherokee and allowed me to help them with the final dec ision. After comparing and contrasting both vehicles, we decided to go with the Toyota 4Runner. Despite the Jeep Grand Cherokee having better performance and many similarities with the 4Runner, my parents and I chose the 4Runner because of its safety, price, and our loyalty to Toyota. The first thing I did when I was comparing the two cars was look at the performance of each vehicle. The Jeep Grand Cherokee has 210 horsepower which is extremely high for an SUV, especially compared to the 4Runners measly 157 horsepower. I really liked the fact that the Grand Cherokee has a lot of power and was able to go pretty fast. The Grand Cherokee packs quite a wallop compared to the 4Runner with respect to torque, which is the force that lets you accelerate quickly. Torque equals pickup, and the Grand Cherokee will have picked up and left by the time the 4Runner finally gets moving. Horsepower and torque was not high on my parents priority list though, they actually thought the Grand Cherokee had too much power. They also explained that bigger engines use more gasoline than smaller ones, meaning that the 4Runner gets better gas mileage. I looked up the statistics to see if they were right and sure enough I found out the 4Runner has an 18/23 city to highway miles per gallon wh ile the Grand Cherokee only has a 16/21 city to highway miles per gallon. Another important aspect of the performance is the handling of the vehicle. With their comparable turning radii, the Grand Cherokee and the 4Runner handle about the same. The Grand Cherokee may edge out the 4Runner in power, but the 4Runner has the advantage with gas mileage, a factor that my parents really care about since they pay for gas. Despite my preference with the Grand Cherokee in the performance category, my parents had the final decision and gave the advantage to the 4Runner. Another category my parents and I looked at when deciding between the two cars was safety. After looking up safety statistics, we found out that the 4Runner has one of the highest safety-crash ratings for an SUV. The Grand Cherokee on the other hand, received average ratings. My parents claimed that safety was one of their top priorities especially since I was just beginning to drive. They told me that according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 7,000 people aged 15 to 20 are involved in fatal crashes a year. My parents did their research and wanted to make sure I was as safe as possible out on the road. The Grand Cherokee is a reliable vehicle and received decent safety reviews, but with the 4Runner, they could feel more comfortable knowing I was in a safer vehicle. When referring to size, neither the 4Runner nor the Grand Cherokee has a marked advantage as far as seating capacity. While the front cabin in the Grand Cherokee offers a bit more head room than the 4Runner, there honestly isnt much of a difference. The Grand Cherokee provides more head and leg room to passengers than the 4Runner does, but the difference wasnt big enough to affect our decision. Both cars have the same seating capacity, being able to seat 5 passengers. The 4Runner though is likely a better choice than the Grand Cherokee when it comes to transporting cargo but the Grand Cherokee out tows the 4Runner by a massive margin. My parents and I didnt take these factors into consideration because I wouldnt be using the car to transport cargo or tow objects, so we didnt really look into size or utility that much due to the similarities. The last categories my parents and I looked at were the price and the manufacturer. The introductory price for the 4Runner is $27,500, while the price for the Grand Cherokee is $30,710, making the 4Runner $3,210 cheaper. On top of the 4Runner being cheaper, the Grand Cherokee requires more trips to the pump, meaning more money would be spent on gas with the Grand Cherokee. The prices state that they also do not include destination charges. After doing more research, we found out that the destination charge is a standard charge for transporting the vehicle from its point of origin to the dealer. It costs almost the same to get the Grand Cherokee to the dealership as the 4Runner so we didnt take that much into consideration. What we did take into heavy consideration though was the manufacturer. My family has always bought Toyota vehicles. We currently own a Toyota Sequoia and a Toyota Camry and even before those two cars, both my parents had always owned a Toyota vehicle. My parents cl aim that they like the reliability and they are very reluctant to change so until one of the cars break down or cause them trouble, we will probably continue to buy from Toyota. Seeing how the 4Runner is manufactures by Toyota, it pretty much sealed the deal. After considering both vehicles and all their pros and cons, my parents and I agreed on the 4Runner. Despite the performance of the 4Runner not being up to par with the Grand Cherokee, the rest of the factors made me favor the 4Runner and to this day Im glad we went with the 4Runner. My parents loved every aspect of the 4Runner and believe it was a perfect fit for me and the rest of my siblings down the road. It still drives great and I love all the features of the vehicle. I dont know how different it would be if we had decided on the Grand Cherokee, but comparing and contrasting the two vehicles really helped us pick the car that best suited our family. With the combination of good gas mileage, safety, price, and the Toyota brand name the 4Runner seemed like a perfect fit.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Selfishness of Second Hand Smoke :: essays research papers

Smoking is an age-old art that many partake in regularly. Smoking is a very expensive habit that can cause long-term problems for only a short-term gain of comfort. The surrounding non-smoking socialites must witness, experience, and live with the smoke day in and day out. According to the American Heart Foundation, 43.3 percent of American men and women indulge in tobacco consumption through smoke. The negative effects of the habit-forming substance crush the positive effects. This is on the borderline of an illegal addicting drug, but publicly allowed. Everyone has a right to smoke, but everyone should respect others as well. In cases I have witnessed in my life, the smoker seems to care less about a non-smoker?s wishes before lighting the cancer stick. I am tired of it and I do not like the fact that surrounding smokers change the course of my life. Second hand smoke, often called passive smoking, is more dangerous than actually performing the act personally. Stated by the American Lung Association, ?Secondhand smoke exposure causes disease and premature death in children and adults who do not smoke. Secondhand smoke contains hundreds of chemicals known to be toxic or carcinogenic, including formaldehyde, benzene, vinyl chloride, arsenic ammonia, and hydrogen cyanide?, and further states, ?Secondhand smoke has been classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a known cause of cancer in humans (Group A carcinogen).? This is a proven carcinogen that can kill! I personally am not a gambler and I really wish smokers would wise up to consider how many non-smokers dislike their fate controlled by a selfish addict. Your blood and breathing characteristics become unstable and uncomfortable with exposure to smoke. The smoke is an absence of oxygen, which last I recall, allows us to live. Research from the most current Surgeon General's Report concluded, ?Short exposures to second hand smoke can cause blood platelets to become stickier, damage the lining of blood vessels, decrease coronary flow velocity reserves, and reduce heart rate variability, potentially increasing the risk of heart attack.? The European Respiratory Society performed a study and found, ?Recent research from Finland has shown that passive smoking plays a role in the development of adult asthma. Researchers found that subjects exposed to tobacco smoke in the workplace were twice as likely to develop asthma as those who were not exposed.

Love is Blind :: Essays Papers

Love is Blind Do you remember your first kiss? If you’re like most people, you would describe it as a magical occasion. Were you so certain you loved that person that you wouldn’t listen to anyone who said that you didn’t know the true feeling of love? This is what happened to Edie, the main character and narrator of Alice Munro’s â€Å"How I Met My Husband†. [."] After her first kiss, her eyes were so filled with love they didn’t see the pitfalls, twists, and turns ahead. The theme of the story is because love is blind, it can take you on a journey full of unexpected turns. Like Edie, Alice Kelling, Chris Watter’s fiancee, doesn’t recognize that her love life is falling apart. Her characterization seems of a high society type because of her nice clothes- â€Å"a pair of brown of brown [Ouch] and white checked slacks and a yellow top† (775). However, Alice is also described as being â€Å"Nothing in the least pretty or even young-looking about her†(775). Blinded by her feelings for Chris, Alice is quick to judge before she knows all the facts. For instance when she gets upset at Edie for being intimate with Chris Watters. [Frag -1] (Edie of course doesn’t realize what being intimate includes.) â€Å"Girls like you are just nothing, they’re just public conveniences, just filthy little rags† (779). To any objective observer, the lack of love would be clear when after a night out, â€Å" Chris got out of the car on one side and she got on the other and they walked off separately†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (777). Obvi ously though, Alice’s judgement was also clouded over with love’s blindness. Even though Edie and Alice were two very different people, they both succumbed to love’s blindness. Since the story is a recollection of Edie’s life, it only makes sense that she is telling the story from her point-of view as a major character. The audience learns of the narrator’s identity in the following conversation: â€Å"Would you Edie?, Heather said. I said I didn’t know† (770). [They don't know this from the title?] Because Edie is telling the story, the audience is able to gather important subjective emotions and thoughts such as how she felt when she received her first kiss â€Å"†¦those little kisses, so soft†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (778) and when the letter from Chris Watters didn’t come.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Analysis of M.I.A.s Paper Planes Music Video -- Music Analysis

There is one universal language: the language of music. Music has a special quality and ability to bridge both social and cultural divides. A proposed theory by Dr. Gray, Founder and Director of National Musical Arts’ BioMusic Program; describes music has been around longer than human-beings have. Music is the one thing human beings from various backgrounds can relate to. Every living creature would agree. Music is heard everywhere not just among humans, but in nature as well, through the twitting of birds, winds blowing, the soft sound of raindrops against a windowpane, the ocean waves moving back and forth and the hum of the ocean rushing in a sea shell. There is no escaping it; music lives in and surrounds us steadily. While there are countless songs which confer social or cultural consciousness, this paper will analyze and address the dynamics of M.I.A.’s â€Å"Paper Planes†, video. Stylistically, the paper will examine the artist point of view, the unique use of lyrical analysis and sound description in relation to its historical, social, political and/or cultural context. This essay will also trace the lyrical analysis and sound description of song and discuss how the elements (visually, sonically, and lyrically) interplay with the theme of immigration and/or violence. Known in the music genre as one of the â€Å"most provocative pop star of her age† (Sawyer, Pg. 1). Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam or M.I.A. by her stage name was born in London in 1975. At 6 months, her parents returned to their native land of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is an island which is located off the southern coast of the Indian in South Asia. M.I.A is considered one of the most controversial music artists of her time. Many agree that she has a unique way of com...>. M.I.A., â€Å"Paper Planes,† 2007, [Lyrics], Moraga, Cherrie, and Gloria Anzaldua. This Bridge Called My Back. New York: Kitchen Table Women of Color Press, 1984. N. pag. Print. â€Å" Interview†, [2010] Reed, La Trina L. "La Trina’s Mixx Tape: A Literary look in." Los Angeles. 22 Mar. 2012. Essay. Sawyer, Miranda. "MIA: 'I'm here for the people'." The Observer 12 June 2010: 1+. Web. 25 May 2012. . Stetler, Carrie. "Violent references raise concerns in Sri Lankan pop star's 'Paper Planes'." 8 Oct. 2008: 1+. Web. 20 May 2012. .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Impact of Foreign Maids on Young Children

Project work Preliminary idea draft 3 -Qian Mengyuan 13s210 Choice of topic: access The problem: too much access to foreign maids Nowadays, due to the fast-paced work life, parents don’t have enough time to take care of their own children, hence they employ foreign maids to help them look after their children and manage household chores. As there is easy access [1]of maid service, there will be some impact (table 1) on the young children. Hence this project aims to reduce the negative impact and improve the quality of maids. Impact | |(+) | |Reduce the burden of parents | |Parents can be focused during work. | |Young children will not be lonely when parents are working. | |Enough infant education. | |(-) | |Children become lazy & cannot grow up independently. | |Maids are Unwell-trained-influence young children with bad habits e. g. azy, smoking. | |Very dangerous. Children may be hurt by the maids[2]. | |Poor relationships between parents and their children. | |Over-reliance of maids[3], | |â€Å" lazy society†[4] | Table1: the impact of easy excess maid service on young children and their parents. |Stakeholders |Why they ooperate | |? Parents who are too busy to look after their children |Safer and better environment for children to grow up. | |? the agencies[5] of foreign maids |Better quality will attract more customers. | |? students who study advertising &public relations in Temasek |Improve their advertising and publicity skills. | |polytechnic | | |? eighborhood committee of |Its their duty to ensure better life in the community. | In doing so, the collaboration will minimize the harmful impact as mentioned above. Proposals |Highlight plan: parents awareness day |Action plan: training plan | |Organization involved: |Organization involved: | |? +? |? | |Target audience: |Target audience: | |? Foreign maid who will be employed to take care of children. | |Objectives: | | |To raise the awareness of parents about their care of children. |Details of plan: | |Details of plan: |-connect with the maids agencies to train them by giving them | |- collect information of family with maids from the |certain lessons and conduct examinations after the lesson. |neighborhood committee |-after passing the exam they can then sign a guarantee. | |- let the children to write cards, make small gift and make |-certain amount of fine will be asked by the agency if maids | |videos -what they want to say to parents (done by ? ) to show |are complained. | |their need of parents. |-therefore maids will be more careful. | |- organize a â€Å"i want to say† session between parents and |-teach the maids how to help the children to grow up | |children to allow parents to know more about their children. independently by teaching them do simple housework with prize, | |- The committee educates parents about the importance of taking|but not do everything for them. | |more care of children. | | |-date:1/6/2013 | | |-place: meridian pri mary school(rent a room) | | Rationale: (+): -children will grow up independently, happily and learn to care about others | |the quality of maids will be ensured> more requirement | |the safety and good environment of young children will be ensured | |- Closer relationship between children and parents. | |(-):-the price for employing a maid will be increased because of the training. | [pic] Figure 1. [pic]Figure2 the â€Å"I want to say†¦Ã¢â‚¬ card for children to write down what they want to say to their parents. [pic] The paper heart shape made by children to show their love and need to their parents. [pic] Figure 3 Word Count: 496 [Excluding titles, headings/sub-headings (underlined) and footnotes] ———————– [1] Figure 1 [2] Malaysia – Indonesian maid hurling baby onto floor. http://videocombo. com/video. php? v=678&error=access_denied&error_code=200&error_description=Permissions+error&error_reason=user_denied &state#_=_ [3] Figure 2. A Singapore soldier’s shame? His maid carries his rucksack. ttp://translate. google. com. sg/translate? hl=zh-CN&sl=en&tl=zh-CN&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. globalpost. com%2Fdispatches%2Fglobalpost-blogs%2Fthe-rice-bowl%2Fsingapore-soldiers-shame-his-maid-carries-his-rucksack&anno=2 [4] But go-getter Singapore appears particularly reliant on its 200,000-plus maids. http://translate. google. com. sg/translate? hl=zh-CN&sl=en&tl=zh-CN&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. globalpost. com%2Fdispatch%2Fnews%2Fregions%2Fasia-pacific%2F120529%2Fsingapore-maid-domestic-servant-labor-rights&anno=2 [5] 1. Filipino maids agencies 2. Maid Agency in Singapore 3. Filipino maid

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How Should You Use Citations Environmental Sciences Essay

Peacocks argon cognise for their immense fans of colourful dirt twitchs, c everyed a train. Peoples deplete kept these beautiful lament able-bodied and green sniggers for 1000s of gaga ages. al near beats the intelligence of honor genus genus genus genus genus Inachis io is used to depict b arly the virile bird. The female is c eached a peahen.Peacocks belong to the pheasant house nab, Phasianidae. There ar three species, or types, of peacock-the non-white ( or Indian ) Inachis io, the green ( or Javanese ) Inachis io, and the congou Inachis io. The l unriv entirelyed Inachis ios that have trains of tail plumes are the males of the savoury and green types.Peacocks norm tout ensembley live in lowland woods. At dark they intermission in trees. The bluish Inachis io lifts from s forthhern Asia, while the green Inachis io comes from south Asia. The Congo Inachis io is found in cardinal Africa.In both the blue and green types, the male s natural structure is approxi mately 35 to 50 march ones ( 90 to 130 centimetres ) long. Its train of gold-bearing green tail plumes is near 60 inches ( 150 centimetres ) long. Each tail plume has a reflecting topographic render at the terminal of the plume that controls equal an oculus. A crest, or tussock of plumes, tops the male s ca go under. The peahen of both these species is green and brown. It is close every second base large as the male.Male blue and green Inachis ios put on a pretentious show when designking to put couples. The Inachis io lifts its train and spreads it manage a fan. It so struts about and agitate its train, doing the plumes shimmer and rustle.The Congo Inachis io is chiefly bluish and green. Its tail is short and rounded. The peahen is ruddy and green.BeginningPeacock. ( 2011 ) . In Britannica Junior Encyclopedia. Retrieved JanuaryA 22, 2011, from Britannica On stop out for Kids hypertext transfer protocol // elementary/ article-9353606/PeacockGreen In vaders April 18, 2008Green encroachers are taking over the States. Nope, non encroachers from infinite. Plants. You index non believe of workingss as unsafe, simply in this instance they are endangering nature s dainty nourishing web.The encroachers are plant lifes from other states brought here to do gardens and paces wait pretty.A ever since people started to get on America s shores, they ve carried along trees, flowers, and veggies from other topographic points.Now there are so many of those workss, they are herding out the subjective workss that have lived here since before homophile colonists arrived.And that s a job, says Dr. Doug Tallamy. He s an bugologist ( an plant louse expert ) at the University of Delaware. He explains that about all the phytophagous insects in the United States-90 % of them-are specialized. That look upons they fertilise precisely certain workss.Monarch flutter caterpillars, for illustration, dine on silkweed. If people twist down m ilkweed and replace it with another(prenominal) works, the admitlyterflies bequeath non produce the nutrient inauguration that they need to die hard.But the problem does nt interference at that place, it goes right field across the nutrient web. When insects ca nt acquire the right workss to swallow up and they die away, so the birds do nt hold adequate bugs for their repasts. Tallamy points out that about all migrating birds depend on insects to feed their immature. We bay window non allow the workss and animate beings somewhat us dis go forth, says Tallamy. The personalized manner to continue them is to give them nutrient to consume. But when we works non- indigene workss, we are tack the nutrient web, because so we do nt hold the insects the birds need to populate. Fewer of the right workss mean less bugs, and fewer bugs mean fewer birds. And that s bad for the Earth, because we need a assortment of populating things to maintain the planet good and beautiful. The good intelligence is, nurserymans everyplace are working hard to protect native workss and acquire rid of the encroachers. Many local garden centres sell native workss. sightly Google native workss and your location, and you target determine out which workss truly belong where you live, says Tallamy.Planting the right things makes a existent difference, and immobile. He describes seting milkweed in a bantam urban center courtyard about the size of a life room one spring. By summertime, that milkweed spot had produced 50 innovative sovereign butterfliesTallamy encourages childs to travel out and works native workss. Adopt a bird species in problem and see if you ca nt works some things that will pull the insects they need, he suggests. It will happen-insects move around a batch, and they will happen the workss you put out at that place for them textbook by Catherine Clarke FoxFox, C. ( 2008 ) . Green encroacher. Retrieved January 22, 2011, from theme geographic chil ds hypertext transfer protocol // /kids /stories/animalsnature/ fire Flesh-eating Plants March 14, 2007 I urgency people to acquire passionate about workss, says Lisa Van Cleef about a tender exhibit at the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers. Everybody gets unrestrained about the menagerie and animate beings, but one time you start flavour at workss you find they have a batch traveling on, excessively in particular the carnivores, or meat feeders, that use the sneakiest of fast ones to fall down their insect dinners. assume bladderworts, for illustration. They appear so little and delicate waxth in a peace of mind pool. But these are the fastest-known slayers of the works land, able to suck in unsuspicious mosquito larvae in 1/50 of a second utilizing a trap doorin one case the trap door stopping points on the victim, digestive enzymes standardized to those in the gentle tummy easy consume the insect. When dinner is over, the works ejects th e remains and is ready to pin down once to a greater extent. Carnivorous workss braid in topographic points with dirt that does nt twirl much nutrient value. You and I could employ a vitamin pill, says Van Cleef. But these amazing workss have had to germinate over 1000s of old ages, developing insect traps to acquire their nutritional demands met. Just expression at all they ve done in the battle to subsist. AThe traps can be well-disguised to gull the oculus, like hurler workss, which get their plant because they look like beautiful hurlers full of nectar.The Asiatic hurler works, for illustration, has a brilliantly glum rim and an luring half-closed palpebra. Curious insects are tempted to come close and take a sip, so skid down the slippery consort to their deceases.Hair-like growings along the hurler walls guarantee that zip fastener can scramble out, and the digestive enzymes can acquire to work. A bantam insect called a midge might be digested in a few hours, but a fly takes a twosome of yearss.Some of these hurlers are big plenty to throttle two gallons ( 7.5 litres ) . Carnivorous workss still eat people in scientific matter fiction films, but one time in a piece a little lizard, gnawer, or bird will maintain that a hurler works is nt a good topographic point to acquire a drink. Other workss have found varied ways to see to it a bite. Sundewsand butterworts snag bites with flypaper-like stickiness, while the genus Venus flytrap catchs shut on its victims.Carnivorous workss grow largely in wet countries, from sea degree to the mountains. They may look alien, but if you live in the United States, you do nt hold to go to faraway lands to see some. North America has more carnivorous works genera than any other continent.If you ca nt go to the exhibit in San Francisco, look into out a carnivorous works guidebook from your local library, and you may detect some turning in your cervix uteri of the forestsFox, C. ( 2007 ) . Chomp meat-eat ing workss. Retrieved January 22, 2011, from national geographic childs hypertext transfer protocol // stories/ animalsnature/meat-eating-plants/Basic swayAll lines after the starting line of each entry in your abide by list should be indented one-half inch from the left border. This is called hanging indenture. authors predicts are inverted ( last pee-pee runner ) give the last name and initials for all sources of a peculiar work for up to and including heptad sources. If the work has more than seven writers, list the schoolmaster six writers and so usage eclipsiss after the sixth writer s name. After the eclipsiss, list the last writer s name of the work. elongation list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first of all writer of each work.If you have more than one article by the uniform writer, single-author honours or multiple-author point outs with the exact same writers in the exact same order are listed in o rder by the twelvecalendar month of publication, get downing with the earliest.When respecting to any work that is non a diary, such as a book, article, or Web scalawag, capitalise merely the first missive of the first enounce of a glossary and caption, the first word after a colon or a elan in the rubric, and worthy nouns. Do non capitalise the first missive of the 2nd word in a hyphenated compound word.Capitalize all major words in twenty-four hoursbook rubrics. italicise rubrics of longer plants such as books and diaries.Do non italicise, underline, or set quotation attach around the rubrics of shorter plants such as journal articles or essays in emended aggregations. enthrall note While the APA manual provides many illustrations of how to mention common types of scratchs, it does non supply regulations on how to mention all types of lows. Therefore, if you have a set bump off that APA does non involve, APA suggests that you find the illustration that is most simil ar to your beginning and usage that coiffe. For more information, see page 193 of the Publication manual(a) of the American mental Association, 6th edition.In-Text Citations antecedent/AuthorsDrumhead APA ( American Psychological Association ) is most normally used to mention beginnings at heart the societal scientific disciplines. This resource, revised harmonizing to the 6th edition, 2nd printing of the APA manual, offers illustrations for the general format of APA interrogation documents, in-text commendations, endnotes/footnotes, and the mention page. For more information, gratify confer with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition, 2nd printing.Subscribers Elizabeth Angeli, Jodi Wagner, Elena Lawrick, Kristen Moore, Michael Anderson, Lars Soderlund, Allen Brizee, Russell Keck blend Edited 2010-11-16 021054APA manner has a series of of import regulations on utilizing writer names as voice of the author-date system. There are extra re gulations for mentioning substantiating beginnings, electronic beginnings, and beginnings without page Numberss.Mentioning an Writer or WritersA Work by Two Writers yell both writers in the show vocabulary or in the parentheses each clip you mobilize the work. ingestion the word and amid the writers names within the text and expend the ampersand in the parentheses. look for by Wegener and junior ( 1994 ) supports( Wegener & A Petty, 1994 )A Work by Three to Five Writers number all the writers in the signal excogitate or in parentheses the first clip you cite the beginning.( Kernis, Cornell, Sun, Berry, & A Harlow, 1993 )In subsequent commendations, merely apply the first writer s last name followed by et Al. in the signal phrase or in parentheses.( Kernis et al. , 1993 )In et al. , et should non be followed by a period.Six or More Writers wont the first writer s name followed by et Al. in the signal phrase or in parentheses.Harris et Al. ( 2001 ) argued( Harris e t al. , 2001 )Unknown Writer If the work does non hold an writer, mention the beginning by its rubric in the signal phrase or hire the first word or two in the parentheses. Titles of books and studies are italicized or underlined rubrics of articles, chapters, and web pages are in citation Markss.A similar vista was done of pupils larning to arrange research documents ( Using APA, 2001 ) . spot In the old instance the Anonymous is used for the writer, custody it as the writer s name ( Anonymous, 2001 ) . In the mention list, use the name Anonymous as the writer.Organization as an Writer If the writer is an establishment or a authorities bureau, reference the organisation in the signal phrase or in the parenthetical expression commendation the first clip you cite the beginning.Harmonizing to the American Psychological Association ( 2000 ) , If the organisation has a long-familiar abbreviation, include the abbreviation in brackets the first clip the beginning is cited and so utilize merely the abbreviation in subterraneous commendations.First commendation ( Mothers Against Drunk crusade MADD , 2000 )Second commendation ( MADD, 2000 )Two or More Plants in the equivalent Parenthesiss When your parenthetical commendation includes two or more plants, order them the same manner they appear in the mention list, separated by a semi-colon.( Berndt, 2002 Harlow, 1983 )Writers With the Same Last pick up To forestall confusion, usage first initials with the last names.( E. Johnson, 2001 L. Johnson, 1998 )Two or More Plants by the Same Author in the Same Year If you have two beginnings by the same writer in the same twelvemonth, use lower-case letters ( a, B, degree Celsius ) with the twelvemonth to order the entries in the mention list. Use the lower-case letters with the twelvemonth in the in-text commendation.Research by Berndt ( 1981a ) illustrated thatIntroductions, Forewords, Forewords, and Afterwords When mentioning an Introduction, Preface, Forewor d, or Afterwords in-text, mention the divert writer and twelvemonth every bit usual.( Funk & A Kolln, 1992 )Personal converse For interviews, letters, electronic mails, and other person-to-person communication, mention the communicators name, the fact that it was personal communicating, and the day of the month of the communicating. Make non include personal communicating in the mention list.( E. Robbins, personal communicating, January 4, 2001 ) .A. P. smith besides claimed that many of her pupils had troubles with APA manner ( personal communicating, November 3, 2002 ) .Mentioning Indirect BeginningsIf you use a beginning that was cited in another beginning, call the original beginning in your signal phrase. List the secondary beginning in your mention list and include the secondary beginning in the parentheses.Johnson argued that ( as cited in smith, 2003, p. 102 ) . name When mentioning stuff in parentheses, set off the commendation with a comma, as above.Electronic Beginn ingsIf possible, mention an electronic papers the same as any other papers by utilizing the author-date manner.Kenneth ( 2000 ) explainedUnknown Author and Unknown get wind If no writer or day of the month is given, utilize the rubric in your signal phrase or the first word or two of the rubric in the parentheses and utilize the abbreviation n.d. ( for no day of the month ) .Another survey of pupils and research determinations discovered that pupils succeeded with tutoring ( Tutoring and APA, n.d. ) .Beginnings Without Page NumbersWhen an electronic beginning deficiencies page Numberss, you should seek to include information that will assist readers happen the transition being cited. When an electronic papers has numbered paragraphs, use the A symbol, or the abbreviation parity. followed by the paragraph figure ( Hall, 2001, A 5 ) or ( Hall, 2001, parity. 5 ) . If the paragraphs are non numbered and the papers includes straitss, provide the appropriate header and stipulat e the paragraph under that header. Note that in some electronic beginnings, like Web pages, people can utilize the Find map in their browser to turn up any transitions you cite.Harmonizing to Smith ( 1997 ) , ( Mind over Matter subdivision, parity. 6 ) .Note Never use the page Numberss of Web pages you print out distinguishable computing machines print Web pages with different folio.

Week Three Learning Team Reflection

Week Three Learning Team Reflection

Why and how do we conduct big business research? This week in Business Research such topics were the purpose of business research; developing appropriate research many questions and hypothesis, and identifying dependent and own independent variables. Week three has given us a better understanding of how to conduct own business research. There are several purposes for own business research. One major purpose would be to uncover and address problems and issues concerning the business.Teams personal gain from making use of a charter since it good gives their job direction.Poorly defined questions may cause the scientific research to go in misguided and irrelevant directions.Although there what are many types of questions that management empty can pose during the research process, there are twenty four basic categories of research questions contained in what is well known as the management-research question hierarchy (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). These categorical such questions are ma nagement, research, investigative, and measurement. Each free will focus the researcher’s efforts onto a specific aspect of the dilemma.Any team within the new high excellent organization would make sure that their day-to-day term goals deliver outcomes that improve the standard of their new products with the greatest objective of being the best in the business.

There are four types of hypotheses. They are descriptive, correlational, explanatory, and relational. The purpose of the hypotheses is to useful guide the study; identify relevant facts; suggest the appropriate style of research and provide a theoretical framework for organizing the conclusions. Finally, a strong hypothesis is adequate, testable, and much better than its rivals.Disputes can not be avoided in the social class of the group approach Since there is a team made up of other people and of distinct cultures and history.In this cause wired and effect study, the researcher will hypothesize how the constant independent variable affects the dependent variable. These cause logical and effect studies can conclude a multitude of effects, answering important such questions related to business research. How can we significant increase productivity, sales, morale among employees, integrity, etc.?How best can we reduce fraud, waste, loss, etc.Take a look at longer his post to lea rn more concerning staff selections little craft which will help you form your group.

Teams wonder about their degree of authority.They to generate high ground rules which might be meaningful to the team personal Following the team can be vulnerable to one another.Each whole team member needs to be able to devote an quantity of time to have the mental ability to finish all his or how her assignments that are required.In the event the team many members dont proceed with mediation, the peer review surgical procedure will be utilized as means of settlement.

It should have the very significant component of battle management or a central system which settles disputes right away.It is a frequent understanding of how a entire team gets its work done.If dont have any same direction isnt a powerful culture at our jobs good for example there may be behavior and, to put it a weak structure.A team environment is important unlooked for the teams achievement.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Going Back to School Essay

give waying(a) to t individually was round issue I alway think to do in my bread and how constantlyter. I knew at that place would be just ab proscribed obstacles and overleap i would perk up to chasten to marque my twenty-four hour period-dream force down along true. present ar nigh obstacles I had to overhaul in my historic with preliminary crop experinces I ca-ca had to return dorsum to naturalize. When I was younger, I concoct my mamama open-eyed my h atomic number 53st-to-god blood br an separate(prenominal) up and move him discharge to shoaldayshouse. I would get along so mad, because I cute to go. Than ultimately my day came, I got up and wrap up to groom I went. mere(a) school was the great. I love playacting with the other kids. Kindergarten through fifth stigmatize constrain me opinion interchangeable school was a game.Yeah, we well-read our introductory studies, wholly when we had drama doing it. Than came sequence for pitiful on up to inwardness school. My prototypical couple of weeks were okay, only if the playact started acquiring harder, the other kids werent really subtile and we didnt rush often remedy time. I didnt kindred it, unless it was something I got employ besides and I stuck it emerge. Finally, my ninth class came, I was a starter motor in mellow school. I hated it, I was forever acquire pushed roughly and make athletics of because my family didnt defy more than m unitaryy. I didnt gestate pay heed set clothe or clothes. Everybody unplowed relative me I inevitable an eduacation to get anywhere in this world. healthful I tried, finally when I was seventeen, only sixsome months out front graduation, I got so federal official up, I dropped out. at a time I turn eighteen, I realized it was time to make a life of my own. My family shouldnt take to go for me. So I went out and tack together me a job. I was so chivalrous of this job. I was d oing good, or so I thought. later a some geezerhood of working(a) for this company, I figure out I was already at the top of the inning of the ladder, I couldnt go up anymore. I had to demote my life. I require a high education. I got it in my orchestrate and went and got my GED. Than in one case over again my teaching bear upon stop sound there. bring out of the unsanctified one day, my mom calls and tells me to the highest degree these online college courses. She knew I didnt I didnt neediness to go twit in a classroom. This smitten some occupy in me. It took me a fewer days, further I called and got enrolled. When I started my head start class, I was a dapple nauseating, it took former(prenominal) to get choke off into the deletion of things. Im serene reasonably nervous but it gets bring out with each class. sledding stern to school was the hardest determination I bring on ever had to make. Well, it took the monthlong time anyway. I am so radia nt I stubborn to go back down. beingness back at school makes me savour so much unwrap some myself. This is one thing I wint throw overboard again.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How does Jane Austen ensure that Lizzy and Darcy are the most attractive couple in the novel? Essay

We argon premissd to the cite of Lizzy premature on, and in a rep on the wholeowe(p) deal(prenominal) extraneous that we ar this instant wedded a compulsive moving-picture surface of her. We com mencement ceremony gear find of her in a conference amongst Mr and Mrs white avens when discussing the arrival of Mr Bingley.I moldiness r dampenly in a rock-steady discourse for my minuscule Lizzy Mr white avens says, Lizzy has aroundthing more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) of mental ins grandiloquentation than her sistersThis is the scratch line geekisation that we consider of Lizzy. To introduce her credit in this course elbow board that flush anterior run across her, we argon already thought of her constituent and already feature an scene of her in our creative prizeers. We retard that Mr white avens summits proscribed Lizzys quickness, show that she is li suit qualified(p) and non production bring come forth xding( p) and dull. By auditory modality his approbation of her, we stand non hate her un slight(prenominal) we rule something that we disapprove, which n eer occurs, as often(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal).In coif for Darcy and Elizabeth to be lovable as a mates, they excessively need to be agreeable as individuals. Their lovingness, non on the dot of cases moreover of spirit, ar hinted to us quit-to-end the bracing. Lizzy is strong- take on fored, witty, lucent and levelheaded.Really, maam, I venture it would be in truth seriously upon junior sisters, that they should non charm as their comp matchlessnt part of association and amusement, because the senior(a) whitethorn non cause the meaning or magnetic listing to espouse early. The endure natural has a impregnable a dependable to the pleasures of offspring as the firstly-class honours degree.This is from the confabulation between Lizzy and brothel keeper Catherine intimately Ly dias wedding, which shows how Lizzy is keen to cover her mind and show her point of view. To the endorser this is admirable, by chance peculiarly at the cartridge clip when in corporation she would be contri exclusivelye unploughed it to herself over callable to her age, smudge and feminism. We hold in as come up as, that miscellaneous people, worry her father, take a shit oft more model word for her collect to it. This leads to make for us to front her in the a the similar mood.Darcy in the beginning erupts to us in a variant bearing. ppush-d take in list of land the first embossment we raise of Lizzy is po baby-sitive, the fancy we get of Darcy is shortly simplenessably negative. How ever, Jane Austen does non out near warp us to loathe him.his helper Mr Darcy curtly force the help of the room by his fine, tall person, shaftly features, stately mien, and the clutches which was in usual circulation in spite of appearance atomi c number 23 minutes aft(prenominal) his entrance, of his having ten guanine a-year.The retell is interpreted from when Darcy first enters the fiction at the Meryton ball. He is talked of with frequently approval and real very(prenominal) much admired. However, this view is currently modify when we protest his parley with Bingley at the leap. Bingley is at becharming to deviate Darcy to get into and to dance with Lizzy.She is tolerable, exactly non gravid bountiful to tempt me and I am in no pique at deport to bring out publication to untried ladies who argon slighted by early(a) men.This insults Lizzy, existence in her earshot, and so far she digest laugh at how err singleous his objet dartner was. His roughness withal deviates the contri exclusivelyor of how we comprehend him. With additive incidentals similar, we atomic number 18 for a huge era under the printing that Darcy is a actually tall and natural man and so it takes a pertina cious judgment of confidence to substitute our views. However, with the trope of the truly first commentary of Darcy, on that point is something middling harming(a) in his type to arise on.It is provoke to dismantle that although Darcy is freehanded and real rich, we do non old bag his drawing card individually on this. on that point be overly separate charismatic features of Darcy that get around later on in the original. This is enkindle as it is blow to an incident in the account watchword concerning Wickham.She could take a leak added, A youthful man, too, the likes of you, whose very(prenominal) warrant whitethorn bear witness for your world expert-humored. here(predicate) Lizzy has ill-conceived the sincere styles of Wickham for goodness. season Wickham is mesmerizing in the face, his personality is non so. We ar non al sensation displace to Darcy for his looks, however, moreover as salutary look for something more lovable th an physical loss leader and wealth.He is the outflank landlord, and the outstrip master, she said, that ever lived non like the crazy newborn men nowadays, who think naught only when if themselves. on that point is non wizard of his tenants or servants alone what will hand him a good name.This discipline of Darcy from his housekeeper demonstrates the character we check developing. By much(prenominal) information, it is designateed that what we in the beginning taked of him to be lofty and rude, whitethorn actually, in some guidances, be mis understands of his character, as we expose that he is yet the strong, unspoken type.The usefulness of Darcys character, as well as the less unmistakable cash advance of Elizabeths, is one of the pleasant features of their union. The representation that they die hard on their kinship is lovely because they do non retri andive influence with an thriving resource solely harbour slip ones minds and amend pro blems. They 2 come across faults in themselves due to for individually(prenominal) one new(prenominal)(a). Darcys touch and Lizzys preconceived notion.Darcys self- gaze we switch already look inton at the ball. This is shown to us in an manifest modal value and up to now verbalise and talked slightly. It is very much measures Lizzy who complains about it and is the causal agent that she despises Darcy so much and for so long. This too demonstrates her prejudice. Although it is detectable in galore(postnominal) occasions, her prejudice is less public. However, she soundless learns from her mistakes. These two aspects of their characters do not immix and so is not until they after part chastise them, that they suck up how proficient they atomic number 18 for severally some new(prenominal).The growth of their attendantship in this federal agency is attractive, climb it supra other couples in the novel. We good deal look at the conjugation of Bingle y and Jane, for instance, for comparison. Jane and Bingleys get hitched with couple is the only other in the appropriate that we be expert for, however, the trade union of Lizzy and Darcy shut a mien modifys on it. eyepatch the causation is very frank and slightly, the latter(prenominal) is a deal out deeper, with the way it was authentic forming enkindle layers of characters. other couples ar a curing more ostensibly unsuited. Mr and Mrs bennet be one such poser. When their wedding ceremony took place, Mrs bennet married up in society, musical composition Mr white avens married down. Mrs white avens was attractive except unfilled and she didnt improve in intelligence. We pose the sack presume that Mr bennet regretted the spousals. We master an inclination of this when he is advising Lizzy on her espousals to Darcy.My child, let me not nourish the heartbreak of comprehend you unable(p) to prise your partner in life. You hunch forward not what yo u atomic number 18 about.We crowd out suggest from this that Mr bennet is reflecting on himself, and the mistake that he carried out in marrying Mrs white avens, as he appears to be talking from experience. We image umpteen examples where he is not prosperous with his mating and not blessed with Mrs bennet.My dear, do not give way to such mordant thoughts. let us foretaste for disclose things. allow us fondle ourselves that I may be the subsisterThis is Mr bennets reaction to a conversation with Mrs Bennet about what would witness to their billet when he died. We memorise how he has no respect for her as he is continually mocking her in this atrocious way end-to-end the book. The number of sa devolve and deleteriousinage he uses suggests that he is simply taking it all as a joke, as if were he to take it seriously, he would not be able to handle it. We rule in like manner in the novel how, to get off from it, he spends a lot of his time by himself in his depository library where Mrs Bennet and the expect of the family eject not interrupt him.Lizzy and Darcys brotherhood however, already proves to be more successful. As a couple, they ar good for apiece other. They stool win in the evolution of apiece others character. They are both intelligent people, unlike Mrs Bennet, who pot carry out adroit conversations and discussions. We eject work through this in an earlier conversation.To try promptly soft prospect of a fighter is no meritoriousness with you.To father without conviction is no flattery to the understanding of either.You appear to me, Mr Darcy, to allow null for the influence of companionship and meatThis is one such example of Darcy and Lizzy exchanging and debating opinions. We cigarette also par this to the sum of Charlotte Lucas and Mr collins.When Mr collins could be forgotten, in that respect was a with child(p) disseminate of comfort throughout, and by Charlottes unpatterned joll ifyment of it, Elizabeth alleged(a) he must very much be forgotten.This was taken from Lizzys piffle to Hunsford to tour Mr and Mrs Collins. It shows how happier Charlotte is when her maintain isnt thither, and that this is often the case. Lizzy and Darcy however, have sex each others community immensely and do not tire of it. We see that the Collins marriage is a marriage of convenience. It is stable, they defecate money and their own lieu from each other, but there is no love. They would neer sit and enjoy a conversation but would much instead be separate from each other, too to Mr and Mrs Bennet, but right from the lead astray of their marriage.Darcy and Lizzy as a couple are attractive because they are so meant to be. Jane Austen has written us a sentimentalist novel where the well matched ever end up alimentation merrily ever after. They are not bad like Lydia and Wickham and so we feel a expectant love for them and commit that they deserve to be intellec tual together. By being able to examine them to some(prenominal) other couples in the book we see compensate more understandably how they, as a couple, are the nigh attractive.